I am back to the office and back to blogging. For those who don’t know, I was recently out for a family leave upon the birth of my second child.
Continue Reading Guardian Ad Litem for a Litigant – Keeping the Role in CheckYour Go-To Resource for New Jersey Family Law
I am back to the office and back to blogging. For those who don’t know, I was recently out for a family leave upon the birth of my second child. …
Continue Reading Guardian Ad Litem for a Litigant – Keeping the Role in CheckI recently represented a client at mediation during which the parties were able to resolve virtually all of their issues, save for the Wife’s claim that the Husband should make…
Continue Reading Are You Willing to Bet on Winning Counsel Fees?
Amicably settling your divorce matter is almost always better than taking your chances at a trial before a trial judge who knows almost nothing about your life. Not only can…
Continue Reading Settling Your Case Comes With Great Power and Great Responsibility
I see it all the time. The fight rages on for the fight’s sake. Each party sure that they are right. Each party insistent that they must win. The lawyers…
Continue Reading Do You Want To Be Right Or Do You Want to Settle
So often, parties go to court only to be told by the judge to “work it out.” It’s a strange phenomenon; after all, if the parties could “work it out,”…
Continue Reading The Importance of the Decision: Don't Let a Hotly Contested Issue Go Undecided
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” I tried finding the movie that this saying came from but it is in many. For better or worse,…
Recently, I was at a mediation where the mediator, when telling us his assessment of my client’s case, said that he was creating “settlement anxiety.” I had never heard this…
Continue Reading “Settlement Anxiety” – An Effective Tool or an Unfair One?
During the current football free agent season, you hear the pundits frequently say that if you get a free agent that you want to sign in your building, don’t let…
Continue Reading Should You Leave Without Buttoning Down the Deal?
Passover begins this Monday night. It is the commemoration of Jewish liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. Some call it the season of freedom; many believe that, with the thawing…
Continue Reading Redefining Your Exodus: What Divorcing Couples Can Learn from Arranged Marriages
Last year, I wrote on this blog about “How to Not Settle Your Case.” This case on the heels of several months of “interesting”, to say the least,…
Continue Reading How Not to Settle Your Case – Part II