I can lie and pretend to watch educational series, all law dramas, during my limited free time between work and two little kids, but I will be honest and tell
Continue Reading Pervasive Family Law Themes in Reality TV Part ILindsay A. Heller
Cyber Harassment Gives Rise to FRO In Case That Emphasizes Importance of ‘Four Corners”
In the unpublished (non-precedential) decision of K.E.M. v. S.R.A., the Appellate Division used the trial court’s findings to reinstate a Final Restraining Order (“FRO”) based on the predicate act…
Continue Reading Cyber Harassment Gives Rise to FRO In Case That Emphasizes Importance of ‘Four Corners”Amending a Complaint or Counterclaim for Divorce Remains Freely and Liberally Permitted

A recently published decision of Saseeshkumar v. Venugopal confirms that a request to amend a Complaint and/or Counterclaim for Divorce can and should be freely permitted in the interests of…
Continue Reading Amending a Complaint or Counterclaim for Divorce Remains Freely and Liberally PermittedNew Jersey Has Jurisdiction to Enter a TRO Even When the Predicate Act Occurred in Another State
What happens when a victim of domestic violence suffers a predicate act in a State outside of New Jersey and then seeks an order of protection in New Jersey? The…
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One of my favorite holiday movies is Four Christmases (in addition to Home Alone, Elf, Christmas Vacation, Planes Trains + Automobiles… okay, call me basic). In the movie, a non-married…
Continue Reading Four Christmases – How to Plan for Sharing the HolidaysGuardian Ad Litem for a Litigant Part II
Days after I wrote about the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) role for litigants here in the R.B. v. E.A.C. matter, another case was released on a similar issue: In The…
Continue Reading Guardian Ad Litem for a Litigant Part IIFive Things to be Thankful for During Your Divorce

Thanksgiving is here again. Not feeling the warm and fuzzies this year? I get it. For many, the holidays can bring back unwanted memories, or perhaps a new type of…
Continue Reading Five Things to be Thankful for During Your DivorceGuardian Ad Litem for a Litigant – Keeping the Role in Check

I am back to the office and back to blogging. For those who don’t know, I was recently out for a family leave upon the birth of my second child. …
Continue Reading Guardian Ad Litem for a Litigant – Keeping the Role in CheckIs Too Much Child Support a Thing For the Top 1%?

I recently posted a blog about celebrity divorces being clickbait versus celebrity divorces with interesting issues. Well, an interesting issue has arisen with two of the most popular names right…
Continue Reading Is Too Much Child Support a Thing For the Top 1%?Advice to Fleishman… He’s Not in Too Much Trouble… If He Wants to Retain Custody

Fleishman is in Trouble is the newest divorce centered entertainment and it’s very entertaining! Unlike A Marriage Story and many other tales we see on the big and little screens…
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