Yesterday, I posted the Top 10 Posts in 2022 on our NJ Family Law Blog as measured by page views. Aside from publishing the posts directly on our blog, the posts are also shared on a content aggregator, JD Supra which provides us separate statistics on what people are reading. For better or worse, our posts typically get even more engagement on JD Supra. In fact, there have been more than 41,000 reads of my posts on that platform in 2022. Below are the top 10 of this year measured by reads (regardless on when first posted.

  1. Court Delays Reunification Therapy Deferring to the Wishes of a 12 Year Old, first posted in September 2021. As I noted yesterday, parent coordinators are a hot topic but reunification therapy, particularly this post, gets a lot of engagement.
  2. NO – Judges Cannot Give Parent Coordinators Binding Decision Making Authority! posted in January 2022.
  3. Have Judges Been Getting the Standard for Motions For Reconsideration Wrong All Along? posted in May 2021. This has been a pretty popular post since it was first posted.
  4. The New Year’s Resolution Divorce – 2022 Edition posted at the end of last year. This oldie but goodie has been reprised each year of this blog because people seem to be connected to the concept. Look for the 2023 edition next week.
  5. Like the Lochness Monster – A Rare Unclean Hands “Citing” posted in January 2022.
  6. Trial May be Imminent, Are You Unhappy With Your Divorce Lawyer posted in January 2022. Not surprisingly, as court dockets started to loosen post-Covid and with the appointment of some new judges, I got a lot of calls from people looking for me to try their case.
  7. Do I Need a Lawyer for My Palimony Agreement? Supreme Court Says No! posted in March 2022.
  8. Court Sells Vacation Home to Pay for Alimony and Equitable Distribution Arrears posted in February 2022.
  9. Marital Lifestyle is the Standard for Pendente Lite Alimony Too from November 2021.
  10. Why Do Judges Keep Wrongly Deciding Cohabitation Motions from May 2022.

So, comparing this list to the one published yesterday, the mix of topics is a little difference. Not included on this list are the posts regarding Covid, vaccines, business valuation, and modification of alimony for retirement. Included are Parent Coordinators, Reunification Therapy, New Year’s Resolution Divorce, pendente lite alimony, cohabitation, palimony, reconsideration motions and unclean hands. Some of the differences could be that I did not author the posts on covid, vaccination, etc. Either way, the differences are interesting.

Check back in 2023 when we will continue to provide interesting and usual New Jersey family law information.

Eric Solotoff is the editor of the New Jersey Family Legal Blog and the Co-Chair of the Family Law Department of Fox Rothschild LLP. Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Lawyer and a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys, Eric is resident in Fox Rothschild’s Morristown, New Jersey office though he practices throughout New Jersey. You can reach Eric at (973)994-7501, or