Aaron Weems, an associate in our Bucks County office and editor Fox Rothschild’s Pennsylvania Family Law Blog wrote an interesting entry entitled "Parental Alienation: Programs Seek Solutions to Parent/Child Discord."
The post discusses two programs that deal with parental alienation. One is Overcoming Barriers Family Camp in Natick, Massachusetts, The other is the Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration located in Kerrville, Texas.
There is also a psychologist in New Jersey, Dr. Amy Baker, who has written and lectured extensively regarding this issue.
We have blogged about this topic several times in the past, both on whether Parental Alienation will be added to the DSM, to Appellate cases addressing this issue, to the possibility of a cause of action in tort being considered, as well as several abduction cases. We will continue to address this important topic whenever we can provide relevant information about it.