Short Hills Divorce Attorneys

Alimony is generally modifiable if a substantial and continuing change of circumstances can be shown. Typically, when we think about changes of circumstances in this regard, we generally look at

Continue Reading Changes in Parenting Responsibilities Can Be a Change of Circumstances to Increase Alimony

What happens when a party dies in the middle of divorce? Under the law, the divorce action abates and the matter is over. In many cases, that is to the

Continue Reading The Black Hole is Closed – New Law Permits Equitable Distribution When Party Dies While a Divorce is Pending

When the alimony statute was modified in 2014, aside from making 67 the presumptive, good faith retirement age, it also included multiple standards for the court to consider when a
Continue Reading When Dealing With A Motion to Terminate Alimony, Courts Can Consider Prospective Retirement – No Really, They Can