Early on in a case, the lawyer and client will have to determine what experts will be necesary to resolve a case either for settlement or trial. In fact, at the
Forensic Psychologists
Custody evaluations are very important in determining child custody and access during contested divorce proceedings. Divorce courts give considerable weight to the recommendations of the evaluator. In addition, the participates are usually extremely nervous about the process.
As such, before an evaluation, I try to meet with my clients to let them know what to expect. I also try to give them some basic guidelines as to how to act.
Below are some guidelines that will assist a person to prepare for your custody evaluation with the expectation of ending your custody battle.
• Arrive on time at your custody evaluation interview.
• Dress neatly and conservatively.
• Be honest. The custody evaluator will likely check out your statements with collaterals and/or other sources.
• If the custody evaluator chooses to use psychological testing, ABSOLUTELY answer honestly. The tests are designed to detect defensiveness and lies and unless you are an expert in psychometric testing, you are unlikely to fool them.
• Be sincere. The custody evaluator can usually detect over embellishment and insincerity.
• It’s all right to be nervous; most people are.
• It’s all right to cry and/or show emotion; many people do.
• Answer questions directly and to the point.
• Make sure you pay attention to what the evaluator is asking.
• Take your time when answering a question. If you do not understand what is being asked, feel free to ask the evaluator to explain what he/she means.
• If the custody evaluator asks that you provide additional documentation, do so as promptly as possible or communicate any concerns about getting it.
• If you provide the custody evaluator with names of collateral contacts, it is a good idea to inform them in advance that they may be contacted so that they can prepare to speak on your behalf.
• If the custody evaluator is observing you with your child(ren), be attentive to their needs and focus on their interests and not yours.
• Present yourself as being reasonable and placing the concerns of your child(ren) above all.
• Relax and let the best aspects of your personality come out (patience, humor, concern for the child(ren)’s well being, etc.)
The following is a list of things to avoid doing during a custody evaluation
• DO NOT speak badly of your spouse/partner unless the custody evaluator asks you to comment on what you perceive to be the problems between you.
• DO not make threatening comments about your spouse/partner or anyone else to the evaluator.
• DO NOT harass the custody evaluator with phone calls.
• DO NOT drop by the evaluator’s office without an appointment.
• DO NOT call the custody evaluator to see if the report is completed.
• DO NOT prep your child(ren) to say negative things about their other parent. The custody evaluator has ways of telling if this has happened.
• Custody evaluators recognize the stress people are under during this process and take this into account when assessing family members.
• If you are feeling stressed and anxious, it is all right to acknowledge it and allow the custody evaluator to help allay some of your concerns.
The following is a list of things that the evaluator is looking for:
• Empathy (the ability to understand what the children are feeling and the willingness to react appropriately)
• Setting appropriate boundaries
• Proper environment and proper care providers
• A loving relationship between you and your child(ren)
• Behavior supportive of the relationship between the child(ren) and the other parent
• Behavior which demonstrates that you are striving to keep the child(ren) insulated from the conflict
• Lack of hostility toward your spouse. (Speak of past problems in a matter-of-fact way, indicating that you these things behind you)
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