You never know when or where the next video camera or recording device is going to show up. And when you’re in the middle of a contested divorce, particularly if
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Fox Rothschild LLP
A Rainbow by Any Other Name-Legal Name Change Granted for Transgender Child

In a case of first impression in New Jersey, I was privileged to represent the mother and custodial parent of a transgender child in a contested, but successful, application for …
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Don’t Be a Jerk – And Don’t Ask Me To Be One for You.
I am not generally one to make resolutions at the New Year. Most of them would involve eating, and I have a sweet tooth, so I am destined to fail.
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Divorce Lessons from Capt. Jack Sparrow
Johnny Depp a.k.a. Capt. Jack Sparrow is in the news again, this time for his failure to pay Amber Heard a $7 million divorce settlement. Heard had promised that any…
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What not to say to your kids in a divorce.
As a family lawyer who deals with custody issues, I often remember Keanu Reeve’s line in the 1989 movie, Parenthood: “You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to…
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The Importance of a Credit Score
Lawyers and litigants alike have long understood the importance of maintaining a good credit rating before, during, and after the divorce. As the parties, particularly one who has not had…
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Difficult and sometimes perplexing International Custody issues in the news- Again!
Actress Kelly Rutherford is back in the news as the more than six year international custody battle for her children continues its latest chapter. The case is presently in Monaco…
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J is for Justifying a Deviation from the Child Support Guidelines
Your lawyer has just told you what you are likely to receive for child support and your jaw has dropped because you know the amount comes nowhere near the actual…
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How to divide an Island and other wedding gift questions
The BBC has recently reported that Cristiano Ronoldo, the soccer superstar, has given his agent a Greek Island for a wedding gift. While a Greek island may not be the…
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Staying Together for the Kids- Maybe not such a great idea
Oftentimes clients say that they are waiting until after high school or college graduation to get a divorce so that the child or children do not have to experience a…
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