I have heard many beautiful stories about how people became engaged. Some people “pop the question” after a romantic dinner. Some do it during a romantic getaway. Some are very
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Salem County Attorney Gloucester County Attorney
Is a Civil Restraining Order the Same as a Domestic Violence Final Restraining Order?
The other day I was sitting in a Court room waiting for my Domestic Violence trial to be called. The room was filled with domestic violence Plaintiffs and Defendants. Since the…
Does Aid being Provided by Family Members Impact the Child Support Calculation?
The financial impact upon children of a divorce or a separation among unmarried parents is almost certain. It is common sense to assume that it is more expensive to sustain two…
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Hostility: Divorce Litigants and Divorce Attorneys
As we were sitting in the Courthouse waiting for a hearing with the Court, a client once said to me, "you are too nice" after I had said "good morning"…
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Are Written Agreements That Were Negotiated Without Attorneys Enforceable?
Beware, once a party has entered into a written agreement addressing all marital issues, it is very difficult for either party to be relieved of an obligation required by the agreement especially if the agreement was incorporated into a Final Judgment of Divorce. It is quite common for litigants to state that they wanted to get the divorce “over with” because the other side made life “unbearable” and as such were “pressured into” signing on the dotted line. However, these types of situations do not necessarily form the basis for a Court to hold written agreements unenforceable. I am writing this Blog because yet another person has asked me why I think it is unwise to purchase a “do-it-yourself-divorce kit”. I am told that these divorce kits contain all the forms necessary to proceed with a divorce. What the kits don’t tell you is that if you proceed with a divorce and you incorporate a written agreement that you and your spouse entered without the benefit of legal advise, if it turns out that the agreement is unfair based upon information that you later find or that you find the agreement unfair only after you effectuate the terms of the agreement, you may find yourself stuck with the agreement. Therefore, to avoid being sorry later on, it is imperative that you do not enter into any written agreement simply for the sake of “getting the divorce done” and without thoroughly reviewing your situation with an attorney.
It is important to note that New Jersey has a strong policy favoring enforcement of agreements. “Property Settlement Agreements” are used as vehicles to efficiently and expeditiously resolve divorce litigation. The Courts encourage parties to enter into agreements to resolve the personal issues created by divorce including custody, visitation, alimony, child support and equitable distribution. Moreover, marital agreements allow the parties to resolve these personal issues in such a way that best fits each party and the children’s needs. The parties also have the ability to assume certain obligations that they otherwise would not have if the Court were to conduct a trial and render a ruling. In other words, in negotiating agreements, the parties are not bound by what the Court can or can not do if the matter were to go to trial so long as the agreement is entered voluntarily and fairly.Accordingly, Property Settlement Agreements that have been knowingly and voluntarily executed by divorcing spouses are entitled to considerable weight with respect to their validity and enforceability such that a presumption of validity is present. Although such agreements can be avoided on grounds of fraud, duress or unconscionability, the party challenging the agreement bears the burden of demonstrating that the agreement is unfair and inequitable. Furthermore, a Property Settlement Agreement that is incorporated into a final judgment of divorce may be set aside pursuant to New Jersey Court Rule 4:50-1, Grounds of Motion for Relief from Judgment, among other reasons, if there was fraud, misrepresentation, or other misconduct of the adverse party.Continue Reading Are Written Agreements That Were Negotiated Without Attorneys Enforceable?
Getting Divorced and Where to Start
Now that you have made the determination that you want to proceed with a divorce, you wonder what is/are the next steps. The following is a summary of the Procedural Steps in a Divorce Litigation and a summary of substantive issues that may be addressed in the divorce proceedings.
Procedural Steps for Divorce Litigation in New Jersey
1. The Filing of the Complaint: All divorce cases officially begin with the filing of a Complaint with the Family Court. The Complaint is the first pleading filed with the Court and it must be filed before any requests can be made to the Court such as requests for support or custody. There are filing fees associated with the filing of every Complaint.
2. After the Filing of the Complaint: Once the Complaint is filed, it is returned to your attorney, who serves it on the opposing party or the opposing attorney, if one has been retained. Service is usually accomplished by mailing the Complaint to the opposing attorney, along with an Acknowledgment of Service which they sign and return. You will also file an Affidavit of Insurance Coverage which states the types, extent and beneficiary of your insurance policies; in most cases, the party responsible for maintaining insurance coverage before the filing of the divorce complaint must continue to maintain that coverage unless a Court enters a different Order. After the service of a Divorce Complaint, you will be asked to fill out a “Case Information Statement” (“CIS”) which sets forth your personal and family assets, liabilities, income and expenses. In some cases, it may be appropriate to reflect past and/or projected expenses. It is extremely important that the CIS be as accurate and complete as possible because the Court and the attorneys will use the CIS throughout the case in assessing support and property distribution issues.Continue Reading Getting Divorced and Where to Start
The Best Divorce Advice is from a Divorce Attorney
Divorce isn’t easy. Over the past fourteen years, I have been practicing family law and have always appreciated the difficulty my clients go through during the divorce process. However, it wasn’t…
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