
When the alimony statute was modified in 2014, aside from making 67 the presumptive, good faith retirement age, it also included multiple standards for the court to consider when a
Continue Reading When Dealing With A Motion to Terminate Alimony, Courts Can Consider Prospective Retirement – No Really, They Can

Divorces involving a spouse in the military generally involve unique issues.  In the recently published decision of Fattore v. Fattore, the Appellate Division held that the trial court cannot
Continue Reading Equitable Remedies for Ex-Spouses Who Lost Their Share of a Military Pension Due to the Military Spouse’s Receipt of Disability Benefits

In the wake of the September 10, 2014 amendments to N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23, the legislature clarified the circumstances under which an alimony payor’s obligation can be modified or terminated due to
Continue Reading Opposing an Application to Modify or Terminate Alimony Upon Retirement? Be Ready to Address Your Ability to Have Saved Adequately for Retirement.